Tofo Death on the Beach... A beach landing in the surf is something you never take for granted. So doing it the hard way with no engine requires a combination of skill and strength... Watching the tiny fishing boat get through surf to the safety of Tofo beach was quite something. The crew of three rowed furiously, but seemed unfazed by it all - clearly something they had done many times. The southern end of Tofo beach is where the fishing boats are dragged up on the sand. It's a hive of activity early morning as the fishermen return from their trips to the offshore reefs. All the activity caught my attention as I looked for …
Mozambique dive locations and information
Mozambique Megafauna Article
Mozambique Megafauna Article... Along a 200km stretch of the Mozambican coastline, on the southeastern seaboard of Africa. Mother Nature has conspired to create what can only really be described as the perfect underwater biological storm. For it is in this remote area that several major African and Indian Ocean currents converge. Together they produce unique and powerful counter-cyclic eddies that suck up rich nutrients from the deep trenches to the south. Creating huge quantities of zooplankton in the process - the life source of oceanic mega fauna. This remarkable mechanism has been occurring largely unnoticed for …