Atauro West Coast Diving… The dive sites on the west coast are the best places to really experience what Atauro island has to offer!
Think magnificent walls that slope down from the shore line and then plunge in to the depths of the Ombai Strait. Plus clear blue water and the ever-present chance of a large mammal or pelagic passing by!

There are at least five significant dive sites on the west of the island. All of which share the defining walls that make Atauro west coast diving so special.
Atauro West Coast Diving – Adara

Of those five sites Adara, around the center of the west coast, probably has the most variety.
The site consists of a very nice bay with a pleasant sandy slope and some nice sponge gardens. Plus patches of healthy hard corals and an assortment of colorful reef fish.
To both the north and the south are the sheer walls that define Atauro west coast diving. There is much to see on the walls themselves… While remembering to keep looking out in to the blue for the larger creatures of the sea!
The bay is obviously a great place to start and end the dive. And whether to head north or south is a tough choice as both are equally good.
Basically, you need at least two dives at Adara Bay to get a feel for what the site has to offer!

Atauro West Coast Diving – Kitali Bay
Kitali Bay, to the south of Adara Bay, is a similar configuration. With a nice sheltered bay that leads out to a really vibrant wall with some superb overhangs and vibrant marine life.
The bay itself warrants some time exploring as there are several really good bommies. Plus some excellent patches of beautiful hard corals.

Atauro West Coast Diving – Vatuo
Finally… Vatuo near the northern tip of Atauro Island deserves a special mention. Mainly because of the beautiful hard corals and sponges on the slope down to its excellent wall.
Because of it’s position, Vatuo is right where the Indonesian Throughflow touches Atauro Island. As it leaves the deep trenches and basins of the Banda Sea and surges south. So it’s a great place to look for those migrating mammals and pelagics out in the blue!
But if they don’t show while you are underwater at Vatuo the excellent slope and superb wall will keep you fully occupied…

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