Gear… We Love It!!
Underwater Photography Equipment Reviews – I think it is true to say that part of the attraction for many underwater photographers is the gear we use. And I learnt many years ago never to discuss my equipment on a trip unless I was specifically asked about it. Even then I will be quite careful what I say!

I think the basic point is that we get very emotionally invested in what we have bought. Because we did buy it and it is expensive stuff, so there is a subliminal justification going on! Don’t get me wrong, I suffer from GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) quite badly. But I do understand very well now that just buying new stuff won’t make me a better photographer.
So I only buy new stuff when a) I have reached the limit of my current stuff can do for me… Or b) when there is real creative potential in some new stuff.
Listed below are the reviews that I have done that are either new or still relevant.
I will be adding new underwater photography equipment reviews as I can – so please check back as you can.
Ultimate Underwater Photography DSLR Housing
There really was no other logical option to a Nauticam housing for my D850 as I was already well invested into their ecosystem.
But I was very pleasantly surprised at how much the overall feel and function of their housings had progressed
Ultimate Underwater Photography DSLR
I bought my Nikon D850 solely for landscape photography and then got caught between a rock and a hard place with my D500…
But, after housing the D850 I realised just how capable it is of capturing truly amazing underwater images
ONEUW One160X Strobe Review
kind of drifted in to the purchase of these high-end Italian strobes. And was a bit dubious they would make a significant difference.
But after two weeks in the cold, but incredible waters of South Australia I was extremely impressed with these strobes
D500 for Underwater Photography
Nikon D500 for Underwater Photography – A Mid-Term Review… How time flies – just over two years ago I wrote a first impressions review of my newly acquired Nikon D500. And in it I waxed lyrically about what the new “king of DX (APS-C) photography” could do. Two years is a long time in digital …