Kimbe Bay Conservation – there is a line of thought among the marine scientific community that Kimbe Bay is probably where the first corals originated – a theory that has evolved as a result of the various surveys conducted to assess and quantify the bay’s biodiversity.
Do the math as they say… almost 900 species of fish, 10 species of whales and dolphins and 400+ species of stony corals.
To put that in a global perspective – in an area roughly the same size as California, it is estimated that Papua New Guinea is home to almost 5% of the world’s marine biodiversity.
Just under half of that fish fauna and virtually all of the coral species are to be found in Kimbe Bay.
In many ways the bay can be considered as a kind of fully stocked marine biological storehouse – truly a coral crucible…

My Kimbe Bay conservation article The Coral Crucible has just been published in the APNG in-flight magazine Our Way and is available for download on the link provided and if you are interested in learning more about this pristine part of Papua New Guinea check out the Complete Guide to Diving Kimbe Bay.