To get a better appreciation of what life is like for the majority of Papua New Guineans – the ones who don’t live in the main towns but spend their their lives in their tightly knit village communities – you really need to do a village homestay.
Possibly not for everyone… but I thoroughly enjoyed the ones I have done and would definitely do it again!
Things we take for granted, like running water and electricity, are suddenly extreme luxuries that will not be available again till you get back to your resort – in my case Tufi Dive Resort on Oro Province.
This article documents the first homestay I did in the village of Orotoaba, about 8 km to the south of Tufi.
Like most things you have not done before, I was quite uncertain about what it would be like – particularly the “logistics” around basic human functions…
It was all quite memorable and I hope the article does the experience justice and will make you want to give it a try!
You can download the full article on this LINK.