The Humpback Whales of Tonga… A complete guide to help you plan that once in a lifetime trip to see the Tongan Tribe of southern hemisphere humpback whales.

Every year, as the cooler winter months come to the South Pacific. The island nation of Tonga plays host to hundreds of some of the largest creatures on the planet.
Megaptera novaeangliae, the incredible humpback whale – the “gentle giants” of the ocean.
The whales start to arrive in Tonga in June after a journey of over 6,000 kms. From the waters of the Southern Ocean, up past the east coast of New Zealand.
And along the sub-sea volcanic arch that forms the bedrock for the 170 plus islands of the Tongan archipelago.
The annual migration of humpback whales from their summer feeding grounds in the Antarctic. To their winter breeding grounds in Tonga, is one of the largest and longest animal movements in the world.
The Tongan Tribe
The whales of Tonga are one of the six main humpback populations in the southern Pacific. And are referred to as the “Tongan Tribe”
Although among the last whales to be hunted, their recovery has been much slower than other “tribes” – Read more…

Humpack Encounters
Tonga is really special as it one of the few places in the world where it is possible to be in the water and swim with the humpback whales.
Seeing these gentle giants of the ocean and their interactions with each other & you is an experience you will never forget! – Read more…

The Migration
The migration of the “Tongan Tribe” of southern hemisphere humpback whales involves a journey of over 6,000 kms.
It begins in the Antarctic, takes them past New Zealand to the South Pacific sub sea volcanic arch & the Tongan archipelago – Read more…

Whale Swimming
Swimming with humpback whales is possible in the main island groups of Vavu’a, Tongatapu & Ha’apai plus the scenic island of ‘Eua.
But the main location is the small, but scenic, town of Neiafu on the main island from which the Vavu’a Group takes its name – Read more…

Tonga 101
The Pacific island nation of Tonga. 170+ islands stretched over an 800km long archipelago on the western edge of the Pacific Ocean.
An interesting country with a rich history, very strong culture and one of the few places to swim with humpback whales – Read more…

Tongan Culture
The Polynesian culture of Tonga is worth spending a bit of time to understand. It really is quite different with its own distinct personality
A former warrior nation that dominated the Polynesian Triangle, it’s an interesting place with a very “South Pacific” vibe… – Read more…