Diving Tufi… Located on Cape Nelson on the north-east coast of the main island of New Guinea. This area is without doubt one of the most scenic and picturesque areas of the amazing country that is Papua New Guinea. And Tufi fiord is the stunning epicenter!
Picture if you will the stark but majestic fjords of Norway. Or the south island of New Zealand…
But set in a tropical location with a dense covering of rich and vibrant rainforest that descends to the very water’s edge.
Underwater there is much to see with over 25 pristine offshore reefs. All within an hour or so’s journey from the main jetty.
Most of those reefs have never been dived by anybody other than visitors to Tufi, as PNG’s liveaboards rarely visit the area!
Then there are the fjords and the main jetty. With its assortment of flotsam and jetsam containing a great selection of critters!

The sections below describe specific and interesting aspects of the area and the dive sites of Tufi. You can use the links provided to explore what Tufi has to offer. And understand more about this intriguing and scenic area of Papua New Guinea.
The Complete Guide to Diving Tufi
Tufi Scuba Diving – An Overview…
Tufi scuba diving offers a pretty special combination of options. Ranging from critter hunting in the accumulated flotsam and jetsam around the main wharf. To pristine offshore reefs that are rarely visited by anybody other than the resort’s guests. With some very interesting WWII wrecks and …
The Superb Offshore Reefs of Tufi
The offshore reefs of Tufi are one of the main draw-cards for divers considering visiting this remote, but incredibly scenic part, of Papua New Guinea. Located between 5 and 15 nautical miles out from Cape Nelson. The reefs and sea-mounts rise up from the sea bed 200m below and offer some …
Complete Guide to the B-17F Black Jack
The B-17F Black Jack, arguably the most impressive aircraft wreck in Papua New Guinea, lies undisturbed on a sandy seabed in deep water just off the fringing reef near the remote village of Boga Boga, on Cape Vogel. With serial number 41-24521, Black Jack was among the first B-17F Flying Fortress bombers built at …
B25 Mitchell Bomber Wreck Pistoff
The B25 Mitchell bomber wreck lies in about 17m of water some 200m off the beach at Wanigela in Collingwood Bay, approximately 32km southwest of Tufi and Cape Nelson. Unlike the crystal-clear waters surrounding Black Jack, this wreck sits in an area where sediment from a nearby river gives the water …
Diving Tufi Jetty and House Reef
Diving Tufi Jetty… House reefs are a bit like next door neighbors. Nearly everybody has one but how much time do you really want to spend with them? So when I hear that the next dive is on the house reef, I usually take it to mean that the best diving is over for the …
The Tufi WWII PT Boat Wrecks
Tufi WWII PT Boat Wrecks… At the end of 1942, the Allied campaign to defeat the Japanese invasion of PNG was focused on the beachheads of Buna, Sananda and Gona. Roughly halfway up the north-east coast of the main island of New Guinea. The …
Diving Tufi Fjords
Diving Tufi Fjords… The deep fjords of Cape Nelson are very much the visually defining feature of this area of Papua New Guinea. They are quite unique and are simply spectacular! Below the water the fjords are deep and mysterious. And, apart …
Papua New Guinea’s Oro Province
Oro Province, or the Northern Province as it is often referred to, is located on the north coast of PNG’s main island of New Guinea. It has some of Papua New Guinea’s most dramatic and awe inspiring scenery. But located as it is with the formidable Owen Stanley Range as it’s western border, and the …
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